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Essential Parenting Tips

Welcome to our Parent Resources page at Precious Moments Academy. We believe that parenting is a remarkable journey filled with questions, discoveries, and milestones. As a part of our commitment to you, we're here to provide valuable resources and guides to help you navigate the path of early childhood development and offer essential parenting tips.

Early Childhood Milestones
  • Infancy (0-12 months): During the first year, your child will achieve significant milestones such as rolling over, sitting up, and taking those first steps. They'll also begin to explore the world around them through touch and sight.


  • Toddlerhood (1-3 years): Toddlers will start to develop more advanced motor skills like running and jumping. They'll also begin to use words to communicate and show interest in socializing with other children.


  • Preschool (3-5 years): Preschoolers will continue to refine their language skills, show creativity in play, and develop basic problem-solving abilities. They'll become more independent and curious about the world.

Playing with Toys
Encouraging Language Development
  • Read Together: Reading to your child from a young age fosters language development and a love for books. Point to pictures and ask questions about the story.

  • Talk and Listen: Engage in conversations with your child, even if they can't respond with words yet. Listening and responding to their babbling is essential for language development.

  • Expand Vocabulary: Introduce new words daily and use descriptive language to explain the world around them. Encourage them to ask questions.

  • Sing and Rhyme: Singing songs and reciting nursery rhymes can improve phonemic awareness and language skills.

Painting Class
Promoting Social and Emotional Development
  • Secure Attachment: Create a secure attachment with your child through cuddling, responding to their needs, and being emotionally available. This forms the basis for trust in relationships.

  • Model Healthy Relationships: Children learn by observing. Display healthy relationships with your partner, friends, and family to teach them about empathy and positive connections.

  • Playdates: Encourage playdates with other children to help your child learn about sharing, cooperation, and friendship.

  • Express Emotions: Teach your child to recognize and express their emotions. Offer comfort and support when they experience sadness or frustration.

Recycled Flower Pots
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